Plone Products

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Plone Product Descriptions

Product 1: NSDLRegistry

Purpose:Major product to manage the persistent RDF datastore including ingest, output and query. Initializes the RDF graph and operates in memory and persistent storage (Berkeley SleepyCat). Unique data store for all of the Registry's RDF data. System administration interface with the Product 1 RDF datastore is solely through the Zope Managament Interface (ZMI). Functions such as adding, deleting, retrieving and querying actial RDF data are managed through the tools methods (functions).

Product 2: ImportSchema

Purpose:An "addable" content type that actors use to create a description of a schema and to optionally provide a URI to the actual schema to enable its ingest into the RDF datastore. The Schema product calls a method on Product 1 (NSDLRegistry) to parse in the RDF schema file.

Product 3: ImportScheme

Purpose:An "addable" content type that actors use to create a description of a schema and to optionally provide a URI to the actual schema to enable its ingest into the RDF datastore. The Schema product calls a method on Product 1 (NSDLRegistry) to parse in the RDF schema file.

Product 4: ImportSchema

Product 5: CreateSchema