Draft Outline: DC2006 paper

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Building a Registry for Controlled Vocabularies: Draft Outline

- [ ] What kind of Registry are we building?

   - [ ] Starting at the controlled vocabulary end
   - [ ] Focusing on full registry services
       - [ ] Contribution by batch or individual input
       - [ ] Full range of output mechanisms

- [ ] What are the challenges?

   - [ ] Versioning: Vocabulary level and term level
   - [ ] Making the registry an integral part of the document/publish
         strategy for vocabulary managers (not just another task with
         no payback)
   - [ ] Building user interfaces that can be used by all levels of
         users, not just experts
   - [ ] Accepting batch input in many different formats
   - [ ] Building the 'distribution' pieces in distributed registry

- [ ] Is SKOS sifficient for these tasks?

   - [ ] Local extensions needed for admin data that must be output
   - [ ] Ref. Joe Tennis' paper about maintenance

- [ ] How will what we learn building this end of the registry inform

     the other parts?